Keywords: small agrarian entrepreneurship, competitiveness, functions of small agrarian enterprises, rural territories, territorial communities


With the deepening of institutional changes in the economy of Ukraine and the improvement of the system of property relations, the problem of intensifying the development of small business in the agricultural sector has become important. The agrarian system should be aimed primarily at creating in each rural territorial community competitive small agricultural enterprises with a sufficient number of jobs and rational use of resource opportunities. The economic potential of rural areas is largely realized through small businesses. The article is devoted to the study of the economic essence of the category "small agricultural entrepreneurship". The basic criteria and features of small agricultural enterprises are generalized, on the basis of the domestic normative-legal base and foreign experience. The author's approach to the criteria according to which it is expedient to classify agricultural enterprises as "small" is formed. On the basis of certain features, the expediency of including certain groups of small agricultural forms in the category of "small agrarian entrepreneurship" is substantiated. A comparative assessment of production of small agricultural enterprises, farms of all sizes and agricultural enterprises in general. The share of small agricultural enterprises in ensuring the volume of agricultural production is determined. It is established that the activity of small agricultural enterprises is an important component of agricultural production, as it is able to solve socio-economic problems of rural revival, to ensure food and environmental security. The main competitive advantages of small agricultural enterprises in comparison with large ones are substantiated. The relationship between the development of small agricultural entrepreneurship and the formation of territorial communities is determined. The main functions through which the role of small agrarian entrepreneurship in the development of rural areas is manifested are outlined. It is established that the state policy at the national and local levels should be aimed at the development of competitive small agricultural entrepreneurship in each rural territorial community.


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