The article is a study of the content of the concept of “tourism product”. The reasons and role of the tourism organization in providing and promoting the final product to meet customer needs are described. The values of innovative technologies in the formation of the tourism product are characterized. The types of innovations and principles that are taken into account in their selection are identified. The stages of creating a new tourism product are identified. It is stated that managers, representatives of tourism infrastructure and tour operators take part in the creation of a tourism product. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of taking into account the evolution of the product during its creation. Emphasis is placed on the process of forming and creating ideas as a key in the creation of a tourism product. The main properties of the tourism product are noted: validity, reliability, integrity, clarity, ease of operation, flexibility, usefulness. The destructive influence of a small volume of a tourism product on its competitiveness in the tourism market has been established. The role of the tour as a tourism product in the development of the industry is described. The requirements for the diversity of tours, as a factor in the popularity of the travel company among service users, are noted. The importance of regional tours in the context of modern quarantine restrictions is highlighted. The method of tour development is described. An example of a technological map of preparation, implementation and realization of the tour on the basis of two criteria “stages” and “activities (types of work)” is presented. Peculiarities of the tour operator’s cooperation with various organizations and in the course of product creation and its presentation on the market are considered. It is noted that the peculiarities of the creation and implementation of a tourism product determine the construction of accounting for tourism entities. It is emphasized that taking into account the specifics of creating a tourism product will contribute to the efficiency and validity of management decisions. The author stressed the expediency of including specialists to create a tourist product of high competitiveness.
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