Keywords: foresight and foresting, scenario approach, crowd foresight, food industry enterprises, roadmap


The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological provisions of the study of foresight, aimed at the prospects of balanced development of domestic enterprises of the food industry. The publication highlights the benefits of using foresight as a way to achieve economic change and provide opportunities to anticipate the management of enterprise development prospects. It is substantiated that the foresight method is close to the method of building scenarios, because they both use the same forms of work and are aimed at managing change events. A link relationship is built, which operates in a single system between the foresight and the scenario approach and determines the analytical, strategic, control directions and is based on the application of the same factors. Methodological principles of foresight are considered. The advantages of crowdfunding, which combines the technology of prediction and scenario planning with the use of different knowledge, are proved. For the development of food industry enterprises, the stages of formation of development scenarios on the basis of crowdfunding are considered and the necessary tools for their implementation are identified. The advantages of determining the effectiveness of the formation of scenarios based on crowdfunding using each of the considered tools are determined. Thus, for the first stage, the application of the SMART-method is proposed, which allows determining specific goals and objectives. For the second – the analysis of functioning is substantiated that allows to define dynamics of activity of the enterprises and to define efficiency of manufacture, and it gives the right to outline the directions which need transformation. The third stage “Choice of priorities” is based on the components of SWOT-analysis; fourth – on the components of PEST-analysis. The fifth stage uses methodology of strategy planning. For the sixth – the STEPLE-analysis is carried out that allows revealing opportunities and threats in relation to the enterprise. At the last stage the road map which defines technological priorities of development of the enterprise and acts as a method of representation of results of a foresight is formed. A road map has been developed for PJSC “Odessa Oil and Fat Plant”, which allows choosing the best ways in terms of balanced development of the enterprise.


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