The article considers the possibility of using the concept of marketing territories as a tool and theoretical and methodological basis for finding internal sources of funding for citizens. Possibilities of application of its mechanisms and technologies, in particular a two-component complex of marketing mix, for increase of competitiveness of territories are considered. The main goal is to create favorable conditions for the formation of the business environment and improve living standards. Given the functional features of territorial marketing, it is advisable to present it in two submixes, commodity-contractual and communicative. Within the framework of the first, a product offer is created and implemented, the conditions for purchasing services by the local population, business representatives, consumers of tourist and recreational resources are agreed upon. An important indicator is the price of services - the total cost of all consumers. The calculation of average costs should be carried out in order to calculate the integrated indicator of the level of living comfort and welfare of the population. A component of the indicator should be the value of the territory for the population, investors, visitors, tourists, which is established by expert methods of policy surveys, it is necessary to pay attention to the search for unique services with expectations, unique characteristics. In the course of the research, the values and advantages of the clients-consumers of tourist and recreational services and the values of business representatives were established and ranked. It was concluded that a special place in the communicative submix is occupied by the brand management of the territory, which is carried out by the efforts of local authorities and the business community in order to increase the attractiveness of the territory. It is concluded that marketing activity creates and maintains the image and prestige of the territory in the external environment, convinces potential consumers of its attractiveness. As a result of research, it was found that the use of the concept of territorial marketing will increase the efficiency of regional governance and competitiveness of the regions of Ukraine. However, its use is appropriate only if it is possible to find and convey to the consumer the unique value characteristics of the territory. The determining factor in implementing the concept is to create conditions for business and social activity, private initiative and a favorable business climate.
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