The article is devoted to the study of post-coronavirus marketing policy of retaining loyal consumers of hotel and restaurant products. The understanding of the complex hotel and restaurant product, which is the final product of the hotel and restaurant industry, which covers the processes of production, sales, organization of consumption in accordance with the theory of marketing services. The specific features of the hotel and restaurant product in the concept of modern consumption are highlighted. The scheme of a complex hotel and restaurant product is offered. The profile of the segment of loyal consumers is made. The definition of the term "loyal consumer" is defined as a certain segment of the market of buyers of a complex hotel and restaurant product, which has chosen the range of goods, services and services of a hotel and restaurant enterprise, formed an appropriate and justified by its own decisions and impressions degree of commitment positive emotional attitude to it, demonstrates the rejection of alternative competitors. Criteria for forming loyalty for the consumer are defined. The main benefits of retaining loyal customers for the hotel and restaurant business are outlined. The basic requirements to the enterprise-manufacturer of a complex hotel and restaurant product from loyal consumers are grouped. The priority vectors of attention of the management of the hotel and restaurant firm in the formation of post-coronavirus marketing policy of consumer retention are indicated. The types of analysis that should precede policy development are substantiated. The main purpose and tasks of the postcoronavirus policy of retaining loyal consumers are formulated. Postcoronavirus directions of formation of a set of marketing functions concerning interaction with a segment of supporters of a product of the company are offered. The list of measures for effective interaction and management of a certain microsegment of the market of loyal consumers is made. Further scientific developments should be promising in the direction of creating a digital accounting system for the segment of loyal customers of the enterprise.
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