The key tasks to be solved in the process of financial and economic activity of the enterprise are to ensure its economic development and strengthen its competitive position. The solution of such important tasks is taking place today in the financial and economic crisis, high dynamics of the external environment, the significant influence of risk factors, which necessitates the search for optimal management methods. In such conditions, the use of the principles of adaptive enterprise management, which are the most suitable tools for use in conditions of a high level of uncertainty and unstable business environment, becomes especially relevant. A wide range of scientific works is devoted to the study of theoretical and practical issues of forming the optimal system of enterprise management in conditions of uncertainty, however, the analysis of scientific literature indicates insufficient study of the potential of adaptive models in the management of financial and economic activities. The purpose of the study is to study scientific approaches to the use of adaptive tools in the management of financial and economic activities of the enterprise. The article studies theoretical and methodological approaches to the implementation of the adaptive principle in the management of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise. In the course of the study, an adaptive-functional model for managing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise has been developed. The presented model provides an increase in the effectiveness of the management system of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise based on a combination of adaptive and functional approaches to enterprise management, and also helps to reduce the level of risk generated in the process of financial and economic activities of the enterprise by reducing the degree of uncertainty in the economic environment and increasing the level of adaptability of the system management. Further research can be aimed at optimizing analytical tools for adaptive management of financial and economic activities of the enterprise.
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