Under the current conditions of increasing competition, businesses face with the challenge of increasing their competitiveness. Development of production programs requires the attraction of additional financial resources. Therefore, there is a need to attract investment by developing a strategy for the investment attractiveness of the enterprise, which is achieved by increasing its competitive advantages. In the process of research, methods of theoretical generalization and comparison, analysis and synthesis are used (to substantiate the essence of theoretical aspects of enterprise competitiveness, to determine the main components of competitiveness and its impact on the investment attractiveness of the enterprise), the graphical method (for visual representation of study findings), strategic forecasting (while determining the strategic directions of increasing the investment attractiveness of the enterprise), a logical method (for theoretical generalizations and forming research conclusions) are used. The paper investigates the theoretical and methodological foundations of optimization of the management process in the context of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise, which require detailed study in order to form an effective competitive strategy. Ways to optimize the management process of the operator PJSC «Ukrtelecom», which allows top-management to take measures to build an effective organizational structure of enterprise management. The influence of competitive advantages on changes of competitive strategies of the operator in the market of telecommunication services of Ukraine, necessary for consolidation of the competitive positions, and also the further development of internal components of its vital activity according to growing needs of the market is estimated. The matrix of priority directions of optimization of the operator management process as a component of the economic orientation of the sphere of activity of the enterprise and its strategic development is investigated. The obtained research results can be considered as ways of improvement the competitiveness of the enterprise, which will be used to create objective prerequisites and methodological grounds for further study of the given problem.
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