In today's conditions, the interest of enterprises in the implementation of restructuring is constantly growing. Until recently, only enterprises that were in a pre-crisis or crisis state were interested in the restructuring tool, but the constant trends of changes in the economic environment encourage successful enterprises to use restructuring as well. Restructuring is considered as an effective tool for overcoming crisis phenomena in the activities of economic entities, increase efficiency, level of competitiveness and value of enterprises. The experience of enterprise restructuring in different periods of economic development allows to characterize the purpose, objectives of restructuring, describes its main stages, determine the features of the restructuring process and develop an algorithm for restructuring. In the study of enterprise restructuring, the main conceptual ideas of existing theoretical models of formation of organizational support for restructuring were identified. Analyzing the stages of the restructuring and the documents that help its implementation, it was concluded that the requirements of the parties interested in the restructuring are not met. This necessitates the definition of the main documents that need to be formed at each stage of the restructuring and the development of an effective business plan for its implementation. The development of a business restructuring plan should be based on the transformation of one alternative option to achieve the established objectives of the restructuring and be a comprehensive plan of specific actions with the definition of deadlines, resources, persons responsible for their implementation. The authors analyze the existing approaches to the development of a business restructuring plan and propose their own structure of the business restructuring plan of the enterprise, which includes the formation of a questionnaire – a summary of the enterprise, the target restructuring program and the restructuring plan. The practical significance of the obtained results is that the theoretical provisions of the article have an applied value and can be used in any economic activity of enterprises in modern business conditions.
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