Keywords: accounting, public association, public organization, public union, targeted funding


The article reveals the peculiarities of accounting in public associations, taking into account the specifics of their operation, in particular in the aspect of standard correspondence of accounts of the main operations of public associations with the status of a legal entity. Emphasis is placed on the use of targeted funding accounts, as well as revenues and expenditures of public associations. The peculiarities of the activity of public organizations and public unions as separate organizational and legal forms of public associations are given, taking into account the legal status of their founders and participants. It is established that the main differences of public associations that affect their accounting are: non-profit status – the lack of accounting for the concepts of “profit” and “loss”; non-entrepreneurial activity as a priority – focus on the satisfaction of public interests; voluntary participation – features of accrual and payment of entrance and annual membership fees; lack of property interest from the participants – the passive nature of the account of settlements with creditors; possibility of cooperation with international governmental and non-governmental organizations – conducting currency accounting; possibility of formation of separate subdivisions (acquisition of all-Ukrainian status) – keeping records of current internal settlements; the right to financial support from budgets of different levels – the formation of reports on the targeted use of budget funds; the target nature of the disposal of funds and other property – separate accounting of property by sources of income and areas of use; active interaction with public authorities and local governments – the possibility of funding through the Treasury; moderate external control over the activity – evidence of the legitimacy of the transactions. A combined version of the structure of sub-accounts of targeted funding and targeted revenues of public associations is proposed, which provides for the opening of analytical accounts of the second and third orders in terms of individual projects and budget items. Typical operations for public associations that determine the specifics of their accounting are: accrual and payment of membership fees, receipt of property from various sources, settlement with contractors in the implementation of individual projects, calculation of exchange rates, recognition of income and expenses.


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