Keywords: risks, insurance company, insurers, insurance protection, insurance market stakeholders, management


This review article is devoted to the study of innovative strategies for managing the activities of insurance companies. In the conditions of risky environment, rather high probability occurrence of threats of natural and technogenic character, problems concerning the necessity of a scientific substantiation of the process of the insurance market stakeholders’ interaction aggravate. It is established that insurance in the world economic space is an indispensable financial and economic tool for neutralizing a variety of risks, especially given today’s the socio-economic, financial, epidemiological dangers. It is proved that despite the key parameters’ positive dynamics of the Ukrainian insurance market development for 2009-2019, there is a need to intensify business and investment activity of its participants. The competitive environment of the insurance market requires insurance companies to implement innovative management strategies focused primarily on solving two interrelated problems: firstly, the expansion of property risks’ insurance coverage, as well as risks related to citizens’ life, health and ability to work, secondly, the formation of the insurers’ solvency and ensuring an acceptable level of insurance operations’ profitability in terms of certain types of insurance. It is determined that one of the primary tasks of the insurance company’s management is the management of its business processes aimed at forming a model of customer-oriented behaviour in relation to potential customers. The article emphasizes the need to use a variety of innovative management strategies to achieve medium-term and long-term goals of the company in the insurance market. In particular, the expediency of diversification and the use of alternative pricing strategies for insurance services for long-term and general types of insurance is argued. Proposals aimed at digitalization of the insurance market and wide application of FinTech technologies in the field of insurance services are formulated: automated underwriting, IOT-technologies; blockchain in insurance. Summarizing the results of the study, the author’s vision of the further insurance relations’ functioning of in society is specified.


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