Keywords: direction of training, management, professional skills and competencies, innovative training technologies, managerial personnel market, system of managers professional training


Conceptual and methodical problem of formation of modern manager professional qualification are considered. Analyzing the course of the process and the final results of the training, it was concluded that the requirements of stakeholders regarding the quality of training are not enforced. The key factors that prevent the implementation of the latest models and approaches expected by the business environment to improve the level and quality of training in the transition of mankind to the sixth technological mode have been identified. Management as a science and management education is aimed at finding improved management models, and increase the adaptive capabilities of the organization, to form a motivational environment. The need to create a national model of training managers, provided the establishment of effective work of the relevant system of internal quality assurance at the level of educational institutions. The basis for such a system should be a number of appropriate procedures that meet European and national quality standards of higher education, namely: approval, monitoring and periodic review of educational programs, improving the quality of training of higher education, strengthening human resources, development of information and communication technologies management of the educational process, openness and transparency of public information about the activities of the educational institution, the creation of an effective system for combating violations of academic integrity at the university. An analysis of the reasons for the inconsistency of the level of training of young professionals with the requirements of the labor market and the need to introduce learning technologies focused on the development of a competency-based approach, which is a way to achieve a new level of education. The expediency of using case methods, active and interactive forms of training, business and role-playing games, computer business simulations, economic games, various types of training for the introduction of modern market phenomena in the educational process is substantiated. It is proposed to introduce regular audit of their efficiency and automated quality management systems of education, to improve methodological, financial and legislative support for professional development of professional managers, to reduce the time of their adaptation to work in real conditions.


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