Environmental problems are becoming more acute. Consequently, there leave less possibilities of human existence. Due to this there is needed a qualitative solution. The article considers the scientific already existing approaches for understanding the institutionalization of environmental security. There are considered the main components of the latter. There has been given a detailed description of «formal» and «informal» institutions designed to promote an environmentally friendly environment. There are determined the actual problems of institutional support of ecological development in Ukraine. There are pointed out the peculiarities of decentralization processes in Ukraine, which requires radical amendments in all spheres of society, including ecological life. Additionally, there are mentioned the principles, according to which, united territorial communities are formed. Taking into account the analysis of the best practices of the USA, there is offered the author's perspective model of functioning of «smart sectors» in Ukraine. In addition, there have been indicated the possible stages of their launch in the sectors of the economy and the role of these entities in the overall decentralization system. Among the advantages of their usage there are followings: reviving cooperation of environmental control bodies with industries via regular meetings with their representatives; the possibility to make rapid integrated decisions within sectors of the economy concerning issues that have environmental significance; increasing transparency regarding environmental trends; faster process of implementing of reforms of sustainable development at the practical level; improvement of regulations with the participation of experts from bodies involved in environmental protection; increasing environmental management systems. The use of «smart sectors» is a kind of step towards strengthening the movement forward balanced development which is going to be based on fruitful cooperation of business structures of various level and environmental organizations of both formal and informal orientation.
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