Keywords: apartment building, joint property of co-owners, efficiency of apartment building management, apartment building manager


The subject of this work is the effectiveness of apartment building management. The main terms and categories are studied. At this work is studied a modern status of housing industry and economics of Ukraine. At this time the major threats to economics are: dissatisfactory technical condition of a large share of the housing stock of Ukraine, low energy efficiency of apartment buildings, passive attitude of co-owners to effective management and using of common property. There are four types of common property of co-owners apartment building and the main forms of their management are defined. In this work studied the existing methods of housing management: Condominium, when the co-owners manage themselves by electing own Management and Chairman, managing of the building by a individual manager or a private management companies, мanagement of municipal management companies. Now in Ukraine has not yet developed a single methodology for assessing the effectiveness of apartment building management, so there are a large number of scientific approaches to the formation of such an assessment system. The analysis of economic efficiency and social responsibility should consider that the management system should be aimed at achieving the goals of apartment building management. There main indicators of management efficiency of apartment buildings are: an energy efficiency: issues of technical operation and maintenance and using of energy-saving technologies; environmental indicators: reduction of negative impact on the environment, ensuring the cleanliness of the adjacent territory and improving waste management; social factor: ensuring the rights of co-owners to receive quality services; loyalty of co-owners: their participation in management; communication with state and municipal institutions: participation in local development programs, receiving state support, etc. The choice of methods of avaluation the effectiveness of apartment buildings based on form of condominiums management should be made. There are many differences in the forms of management of an apartment building, which should be counted in the new methodology for assessing the effectiveness of management.


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