Keywords: quality of service, evaluation method, evaluation criteria, service quality indicators, multicriteria analysis, tourism enterprise


The article considers the problem of substantiation of management decisions on the choice of method of assessing the quality of service in tourism enterprises to strengthen competitive positions in the market. The existing methods of assessing the quality of service in tourism enterprises are analyzed. The main indicators of service quality assessment are given. It is noted that when forming a system of service quality indicators it is necessary to take into account the specifics of a particular enterprise, the goals of each employee, as well as to ensure the coordination of the existing capabilities of enterprises with its objectives. The criteria that influence the choice of methods for assessing the quality of service are identified: the complexity of implementing the selected methods in the practice of a particular enterprise; the reliability and completeness of the information used for evaluation; time and financial costs for the implementation of the evaluation method; simplicity, clarity and accessibility of the evaluation procedure of each method; variety of service quality indicators. It is stated that the evaluation of the quality of service should be carried out in the context of the relationship between the priority of each evaluation method, taking into account the compliance of all criteria that are more important for him from the point of view of a particular enterprise. It is proposed to use multi-criteria analysis of alternatives in justifying the choice of method of assessing the quality of service, as this method allows you to clearly rank the available alternatives and choose the best alternative under the existing conditions. An example of approbation of the offered methodical recommendations for the tourist enterprise is presented. The study identified the best option for assessing the quality of service in a tourism enterprise with a specific combination of defined criteria. The results of an expert survey on the quality of services at a tourism enterprise are presented. In order to form a general idea of the level of quality of tourist services and the quality of customer service of the tourism enterprise in further research it is planned to assess the levels of quality of management at tourism enterprises.


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