Keywords: competitiveness of the region, competitive advantages, determinants of development, assessment of factors, program-target approach, infrastructure


The article investigates methodological and algorithmic approaches to assessing the competitiveness of the region and regional competitive advantages. To determine the integrated level of competitiveness of the region, a system of indicators is used, which characterizes the region from such positions as: indicators of availability and efficiency of use of the region's resources; living standards of the region's population; indicators of investment activity and attractiveness of the region. An algorithm for assessing the competitiveness of the region was developed, which comprehensively characterizes the regional reproductive structure, helps to identify reserves to increase the competitiveness of the region's economy. A methodology based on a program-targeted approach was proposed, which allows to assess the competitiveness of the region both with the help of quantitative parameters and in terms of qualitative characteristics of the obtained values. The proposed method allows to assess the competitiveness of the region both with quantitative parameters and in terms of qualitative characteristics of the obtained values, which makes it possible to present the real relations and opportunities of the region under study. It was determined that in order to assess the factors of regional development and determine their impact on the formation of the region's competitiveness on the basis of the goal tree, two first-level goal evaluation matrices and a second-level goal evaluation matrix are being developed. It is determined that the sources of competitive advantage should not be limited to the available natural resource potential of the region. Competitive potential is analyzed on the basis of assessment of natural resource potential, demographic situation and labor resources, investment climate and socio-economic situation of the region, as well as dynamic and structural analysis of the region's economy. It is proposed to assess the competitiveness of regions on the basis of five groups of indicators: indicators that characterize the production potential and efficiency of its use; living standards of the region's population; indicators of science and education; indicators of investment activity; indicators of infrastructure security.


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