The article analyzes the current state and prospects of development of the financial potential of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy. The analysis of existing approaches to the interpretation of the definition of "financial potential" revealed their diversity, which was a prerequisite for the disclosure of the author's approach to the interpretation of the definition of "financial potential of the agricultural sector". It is proposed to consider the financial potential of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of its important role not only in ensuring its own process of expanded reproduction, but also ensuring food security of the country. Factors of stimulating and limiting influence on the state of financial potential of the agricultural sector of the economy are grouped. It is determined that the key problems that threaten the formation of financial potential of the agricultural sector of the economy is the low level of functioning of the national economy, associated with a significant backlog of technological capabilities, moral and physical depreciation of fixed assets, the inability to create an innovative product with high added value. dependence of the agricultural sector on external partners. It is substantiated that in order to ensure the dynamic growth of financial potential of the agricultural sector of the economy, the key condition is the development of its own high-tech production capable of meeting technological, technical and other needs of the agricultural sector. It is proved that the formation of the financial potential of the agricultural sector of the economy is an important tool for ensuring food security of the state, a key condition for the generation and preservation of the financial potential of the national economy. The mechanism of diagnostics of financial potential of agar sector of economy is offered, and its role in maintenance of its effective functioning is substantiated. It is substantiated that effective application of the mechanism of diagnostics of financial potential of agar sector of economy should be based on the corresponding institutional maintenance, system of indicators of diagnostics of financial potential of agrarian sector, active introduction of innovative tools of technical and technological updating of this sector.
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