Today, the basis of financial security of the state is to ensure the stability and security of the banking system, because the decline in confidence in banks causes damage to the financial security of the whole country. The purpose of the article is to study the essence of financial security of the banking sector and develop proposals for its strengthening based on an assessment of the state of the banking sector at this stage of economic development. The primary tasks of the banking system are the stabilization of the monetary system of the state, the accumulation of financial resources of society, ensuring the stability of the national currency, which together have a significant impact on its financial security. That is why it is necessary to determine the state of the banking sector of the state in terms of its ability to withstand internal and external negative factors in the banking process. Therefore, the state of financial security of the banking system is subject to constant analysis, especially in our time, due to the difficult military-political situation and economic instability in the country, which has negatively affected the activities of commercial banks. The article presents the main indicators of the banking sector of Ukraine during 2014-2019, which provide an opportunity to analyze trends in its state under the influence of internal and external factors. The main characteristic features of the banking system of Ukraine in the conditions of modern challenges are determined. According to the results of the analysis, it can be stated that the state of the banking system of Ukraine is quite unstable, primarily due to the change in the structure of the banking sector and the fact that Ukraine is on the way to overcoming the crisis of the banking system. As a result of the research, measures have been identified to ensure the stability of the banking sector and increase the level of financial security of the banking system. It is established that in order to further ensure the stability of the financial security of the banking system of Ukraine at a high level, considerable attention should be paid to improving the banking management system and tools of state financial monitoring of the banking sector.
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