Keywords: creative economy, creative management, management, education, motivation, stimulation of staff creativity, evolution of creativity


The review article is devoted to the study of the process of formation of the newest creatological formation in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to analyze the problems associated with the country's transition to a creative model, the driving force of which is creativity or the creation of new forms of industrial relations, in which knowledge and information become tools, and the end product – innovation. Features of a new phase of development of the concept of management – creative management are considered. The foreign experience of introduction of principles of creative management is investigated, necessity of management and motivation of creative activity is proved and the priority of a creative direction of development is substantiated by formulation of priority tasks of the state at the decision of problems of increase of creative activity efficiency. Modern approaches to the interpretation of the definition of "creative economy", "creative era" in the context of their development are revealed, the scientific view on the development of the concept of creative management as a management system is substantiated, the need for management and motivation of creative activity is revealed. It is established that the human factor becomes the most important factor in resolving the contradictions between the new quality of the basis of civilization and the quality of natural regulators of economic development. It is established that a new type of management has led to the emergence of professional managers – leaders of creative processes, which perform specific functions to create conditions for various forms of creativity and stimulate the creative process. Features and main tasks of modern management education in Ukraine are considered. It is established that the main problems of teaching the theory and practice of creative management are the lack of the necessary educational literature and the lack of teachers who would use new methods and technologies. Peculiarities of personal creativity as individual capital provided by creative people working in the conditions of high technologies, promotion of talents and tolerance are revealed. The scientific view of creativity as the main criterion and target function of economic and socio-cultural development is substantiated.


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