The realization of Ukraine's innovation potential is permanently hampered by a number of political and socio-economic factors. However, despite numerous problems in the economy, innovative entrepreneurship in the form of startup projects shows stable growth. The Ukrainian startup sector has become one of the few sectors of the economy that has been developing dynamically in recent years. International experience indicates that the state is an important player in building the national startup ecosystem. In particular, the state plays a leading role in preventing the outflow of startups to other world ecosystems. The purpose of the article was to establish the features of the state support for the national startup ecosystem and outline the ways to strengthen this support. Based on the analysis of international experience, the existing approaches, methods, and tools used in the world practice to support the startup ecosystems were identified. In terms of the development of the startup ecosystems, two major types of state policies are outlined: proactive policy and reactive policy. The paper provides key characteristics of theses types of policies. The analysis of government support for national startup ecosystem was conducted. Although the development of innovative entrepreneurship was defined as a strategic priority of Ukrainian government, the speed of implementation of practical measures aimed at achieving this goal is insufficient. Positive tendencies in the state support of Ukrainian startups as well as the main directions for state stimulation of the domestic startup ecosystem were highlighted. To stimulate the development of the domestic startup ecosystem, the following areas of state support were considered: legal regulation, startup investment, human capital development, competence centers, infrastructure development, media and event management. The factors that inhibit state support for startups were identified. In addition, the role of the private sector in building the national ecosystem of startups was outlined. Promising area of further research is the analysis of trends in the global startup industry and comprehension of international experience to elaborate efficient tools for domestic startup ecosystem support.
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