Keywords: professional career, self-management, educational trajectory, lifelong learning, development trends, career process, human capital


The review article considers the main trends in the development of professionalism in the context of globalization, provides a modern idea of adult education as a phenomenon of Ukrainian and world culture, as a source of continuous human development in the profession. The importance of acmeological technologies and critical thinking technologies in the organization of career support of a teacher of higher education is emphasized. Trends in the development of modern society indicate the urgent need to rethink the strategy of professional development of a professional in general and a teacher of higher education due to the specifics of his profession in particular. Innovative processes taking place in the spiritual, socio-political and economic spheres of society have put the adult education system in front of the need to rethink the value and socio-cultural significance of education, whose main mission in modern times is to help people get out of things and objects into the space of life meanings and values, into the world of human spirituality. Human capital contributes to the success of the organization by developing new strategies, technologies, goods and services that meet the needs of the market. In this regard, the classic indicators of human capital are: education; professional qualification; knowledge due to the duties performed; professional inclinations and psychometric characteristics associated with specific skill activities. But the content of these indicators in modern conditions is expanding. Thus, such skills as the ability to work in a team, to transfer knowledge, i.e. to train other employees, the ability to persistently move forward become relevant. Fundamental, supreme human aspirations are most fully realized in career activities. It gives the career subject the opportunity to move from passivity to activity, from development to self-development, from dependence to relative independence, from monotonous activities to more diverse, from short-term prospects to long-term, from subordination to leadership, from insecurity to self-confidence.


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