The article is devoted to the study of the state of development of the mechanism of financial support of the higher education system in the conditions of globalization of the world economy. The terminology used to indicate the state of development of the mechanism of financing higher education institutions, etc. is studied. The determining factors of development of financial support of the system of higher education, for further transformation of the system of organization and management of Ukrainian science are characterized. It was found that the problems of financial support of educational institutions remain unresolved and to some extent depend on the efficiency of construction and implementation of the mechanism of public funding. Therefore, in the context of globalization, the questions become especially relevant: what are and will continue to be the advantages and at the same time difficulties and risks for higher education institutions in the market of educational services? How to reconcile, reconcile new opportunities and risks for the higher education system, when an economically active person is excluded from collective life? When funding is appropriate, the activities and services of educational institutions in the context of the transformation of the economic system are coordinated, in accordance with the objectives that are the goal: to provide the necessary public goods, sufficient quantity and quality. In the strategy of economic and social development of Ukraine, the preservation and development of scientific potential was declared a leading factor in the economic policy of the state. The overall level of funding for science is considered one of the key characteristics of the country's innovation, its readiness to build a knowledge-based society. Funding for the university science sector remains extremely low, and its volumes per scientist are significantly lower than for other science sectors. The lag of university science from the modern needs of innovative development is confirmed by the materials of the analysis of research activity of higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
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