The aspects of the current Ukraine’s economy’s state were distinguished in the artice. The following factors were taken into account for further consideration: systemic crisis, coronavirus pandemic, their impact on the growth of poverty and life quality’s deterioration, the formation of risks, caused by the unreasonable socio-economic inequality. It was determined, that category of life’s quality has the maximum reflection of the human life’s satisfaction, and its most important component is the level of education, which has the strong dependence on the actions of the authorities. An example of the countries life index’s quality calculation was given basing on which the education factor was determined as a key one. The education’s level and the science’s development influence on the spheres of public life was analyzed, more specifically: GDP growth, reduction of unemployment, social tension, crime and antisocial behavior, the improvement of social mobility, raising the population’s cultural level and citizen’s social responsibility. The influence of the regional higher educational institutions’ number on the production of gross regional product and the competitiveness of the region has been investigated. The ranking of TOP-35 countries of the world with the highest and lowest education level index was analyzed. The conclusions about the direct dependence of the educational level in the country and its economic development were highlighted. The requirements for the specifics of the existing ones for the educational characteristics of human capital in the modern labor market were considered. The usage by world’s economically developed countries of the education’s investments and research activities increasing as an instrument of economic growth was studied. The collected and processed proposals for improving of the education’s quality were presented by the leading institutions of higher education in the Tauride region. Basing on the processing results, the proposals regarding the usage of higher education and scientific research as the main strategy for fighting poverty and integrating Ukraine into the pool of economically developed countries were advanced. It was proposed to consider the investments on education and research activities as the most effective tool to stimulate the economic growth, life’s quality improvement, and guarantee the success and security of Ukraine. An attention was accented on the necessity to develop and implement the Strategy for improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine.
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