An article is committed to the research of the trends of development of e-commerce in Ukraine on a modern level. The main types of the business models of e-commerce on online market are considered such as: Brokerage; Advertising; Direct; Infomediary; Merchant; Subscription Business Models on the Web. It is defined that the main factors of the influence on the growth of e-commerce are directions of the development of the searching services, social networks and mobile communication. It is proved that Google is intensively working on formation and spreading the new sources of electronic sales. Facebook and subsidiary social network Instagram are implementing dynamical advertising, proposing to do online shopping and promoting use of the Facebook Pay. Amazon is shaping the policy of development not only in the area of e-commerce but also is actively involving services of logistics and delivery, while expanding their fleet of plains, trucks and drones. The features of the European, American and Ukrainian markets were analyzed. The most popular items, which are bought online, were defined and also features of the activity of the big, middle and small companies of e-commerce were researched. The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the e-commerce was analyzed and both positive and negative sides of the quarantine were discovered. The development of e-commerce in Ukraine is hindered by the underdeveloped courier network; the increase in the cost of the order through substantial delivery costs; a sharp reduction in the income of the population; the desire to save because of uncertainty about future income; buying online only a certain set of products; the growth of cybercrime. It was defined that for the successful maintaining of e-commerce subject of running must: improve and develop logistic, upgrade the speed and quality of the delivery, develop direction of “purchase for subscribe”, trace the appearance of the new apps in the area of e-commerce, implement personalize service for the specific groups of consumers, make effective advertising. The methods of risk management while carrying out e-commerce operation were proposed.
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