One of the main tasks of the enterprise’s head is to create an interest among employees in the work results and quality. Motivation as a socio-psychological phenomenon and one of the management functions is a key link in the formation of an approach to defining employee behavior. Currently, non-material motivation is gaining the greatest weight in society, since it is the impetus for personnel development, which in turn becomes one of the enterprise’s highest priority goals. The metallurgical industry presents special requirements for personnel. The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing social and psychological aspects of non-material motivation of the enterprise personnel labor activity, as well as to develop measures for its improvement on the example of PJSK «Poltava GOK». The theoretical foundations of material and non-material motivation were considered. It has been established that the non-material motivation of employees pursues the same goals as the introduction of material types of incentives by the enterprise. It is social and psychological methods that relate to non-material incentives, which increases their role in influencing working personnel. The study results of the personnel non-material motivation system, which were carried out by questioning the employees of the enterprise’s economic department were presented. During the survey, the most work motivating factors were identified and ranked according to the most important socio-psychological aspects: income level, the possibility of professional growth and job interestingness. To assess the effectiveness of material and non-material (social and psychological) incentives for personnel, were used data on indicators of average wages dynamics, the number and structure of working personnel. The analysis result was the designation of the need to improve the intangible motivation system in the context of the socio-psychological component, as well as its basis on the policy of increasing the influence of non-monetary incentives. In order to solve this problem, a system of additional socio-psychological methods of motivating metallurgical enterprise’s employees was developed.
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