The article is devoted to the study of the efficiency analysis system in the cold chains of food industry enterprises. Models of the relationship between the total costs of logistics and key performance indicators of food industry enterprises have been investigated.Economic instability and the increasing importance of the logistics component in the economies of all countries require the development of new methods for assessing supply chains in order to find effective ways to reduce costs and increase the competitiveness of enterprises. A detailed review of literature sources allowed the author to choose a method for assessing key performance indicators that gives the most accurate assessment results, and also choose the factors of argumentation in comparison with other methods of economic analysis. By modeling business processes in cold supply chains and then controlling their parameters, you can describe actions and quickly respond to changes in the external and internal environment. A set of performance indicators for an enterprise's logistics can be based on the following system: typical key performance indicators; typical key performance indicators of business processes; clarification of key performance indicators of logistics solutions. An algorithm has been developed for assessing the impact of economic indicators on the efficiency of cold supply chains, taking into account the use of models, which allows to identify the directions of changes to ensure the required level of efficiency of the enterprise's logistics system, like everyone else. Approaches and models for evaluating performance indicators in cold supply chains of food industry enterprises have been formed. The proposed approach allows us to trace the impact of costs arising in holonic supply chains on economic performance indicators. The developed complex three-level model of analytical assessment of key performance indicators of the refrigeration supply chain of food industry enterprises allows us to trace the relationship of the model of total logistics costs with key performance indicators. Application of the proposed approach makes it possible to describe the transportation process taking into account all types of restrictions (technological, technical, organizational, administrative) and proceed to a reasoned development of measures to improve the efficiency of individual operations for the transportation of perishable products.
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