The article is devoted to analytical evaluation of the current agricultural condition in the Kherson Region in particular and Ukraine in general, based on statistical information, identification of positive and negative development trends, as well as identifying existing or potential issues of agricultural development. Within the context of the everyday world, agriculture is regarded as one of the main factors of economic and, above all, social development. The timeliness of this topic is due to the fact that agricultural GDP growth is at least twice as effective in reducing poverty than GDP growth from other industries. The priority of agricultural development is due to the fact that agricultural enterprises provide the population with food, and industry – raw materials. The products of agricultural enterprises are a resource component of production in various sectors of the national economy, and in the food industry – its basis. The degree of market saturation for agricultural products, their quality and price (availability) depends on providing the population with food, which in its turn is one of the main tasks of production. The economy of Ukraine as a whole and the level of providing the population of the country with the necessary food depends on the growth prospects of agricultural output and the state of development of the agro-industrial complex. However, domestic agricultural enterprises are constantly in fierce competition with each other and in the world market. Profitability of agricultural output in agricultural enterprises of Ukraine over 2000-2018 is analysed. The dynamics of crop yields of the Kherson Region over 2010-2019 is investigated. The yields of the main types of crops in the whole of Ukraine and in the Kherson Region are compared. A space diagram of gross sunflower harvesting in the Kherson Region is constructed by changing the crop acreage and sunflower yield. Based on the findings of the study, the forecast of yield up to 2024 on the example of sunflower. Trends and issues of agricultural development are identified. The main directions of further development of the agricultural sector are outlined.
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