The results of the analysis of the financial condition of enterprises form an information basis for decision-making on the structure of capital from the standpoint of its optimization and on the investment of resources from the standpoint of their efficiency. Important are the data of both retrospective and long-term analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise, which determine its ability to function in the external environment, identify and realize its potential in business cooperation, ensure the economic interests of the enterprise and its partners in financial and other relations. However, for today the quality of information support can be achieved only by analyzing the performance of a particular business entity as well as the performance of the entire industry in which it operates. Applying the methodology of financial analysis of enterprises to process an array of statistical data by industry, you can make an “average” assessment of the financial condition of enterprises by type of economic activity. Comparing the financial condition of the “average enterprise” with the financial condition of an individual enterprise will help to understand the place of the latter in the industry. In particular, the results of the analysis of indicators in such sectors of Ukraine’s economy as agriculture, industry and construction will provide a comparative basis for the respective enterprises. The analysis of business activity reflects the efficiency of using its economic assets in the context of the efficient use of resources in the industry. Liquidity and financial stability provide an understanding of the current and future level of solvency of the enterprise given the state of the industry. Profitability indicators allow the company to assess its competitive position in the industry. In addition, a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of investments in different industries is important for the investor. Therefore, the analysis of the financial condition of enterprises of certain sectors of the economy of Ukraine makes it possible to make a preliminary assessment of alternative investment options from the standpoint of financial security and efficiency.
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