The topic of the article has been the coverage of the problem of forming a strategic management reporting system in the process of implementing the strategy of economic entities in various spheres of economic activity. The purpose of this work is to form a methodological foundation for compiling a management reporting system of the enterprise in the process of achieving strategic operational goals. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in a comprehensive study of the processes of compiling and using the management reporting system in order to improve the information support of the management system of the economic entity. We have clarified the essence of strategic management reporting and determined that it is a mobile system of interrelated financial and non-financial strategic indicators obtained in the process of accounting and analysis of accounting information, and can be presented as a set of reporting forms in a user-friendly format. Necessity is justified and directions of formation of the management reporting for capital management in the field of attraction and distribution of resources are defined. In order to improve the information support of the strategy implementation, the need to develop reporting formats as a defined way of distribution of reporting indicators will be emphasized, which will allow to meet the needs of internal users in information about the state of the objects of strategic management more efficiently and quickly. It is proved that a strategic management reporting transforms strategic development goals into indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise for the forecast period, and also serves as a basis for development of budgets of the enterprise as a whole and its departments for the year. The practical application of the developed proposals will allow to form an effective information system that will help the leadership of different levels of management to obtain the necessary data for decision-making in a timely manner. Further research will be aimed at improving the management reporting system, which will allow to perform the ongoing monitoring of the macro- and micro-environment of the enterprise, the results of the enterprise as a whole and its individual segments.
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