Keywords: banking innovation, innovation activity, remote service, digital banking, banking product, banking service


The basic tendencies of development of modern technologies of banking services and innovations are defined and considered, problems of their introduction and prospects of use are highlighted. The necessity and implementation of modern technologies of customer service are identified and substantiated and the positive consequences of their application are revealed in order to gain competitive advantages in the banking services market. Any business strives for development. If a business stops to spend efforts to improve its product or service, then on the competitive market inevitably fails. Today, the banking market is a space for innovation. With this in mind, banks need to constantly monitor new ideas for the implementation of products and services that competitors do not yet have. The banking sector is particularly sensitive to changing demand from its customers, and the competition in the banking market is quite fierce and high. Therefore, the desire to win in this fight and retain customers is a top priority. That is why maximum satisfaction of customer needs comes to the fore. In a bank-client relationship, innovation is the first and the ability to offer something that competitors cannot yet, or to attract potential customers in a new way, becomes extremely important. Thus, banking innovation is a vital necessity for the efficient functioning of the bank and its competitiveness. In general, innovation acts as a certain "engine" for the development of the entire banking sector, as it forms the strategic directions of banking institutions. Modern technologies provide new opportunities for banks to increase their customer base and reduce costs while offering customers more convenient access to their products and services. The introduction of the latest service technologies will increase the level of comfort for bank customers, and will provide quality and in-demand financial services. Today, the banking market is a space for innovation. With this in mind, banks need to constantly monitor new ideas for the implementation of products and services that competitors do not yet have. Today, the innovative activity of banks remains one of the most effective methods of competition in the financial services market. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the process of innovation in the banking sector is associated with certain risks, so it is important for banks to pay attention to the economic feasibility of innovation and its usefulness to customers, and banking market regulators must ensure instruments arising from the development of the latest banking technologies.


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