Keywords: hierarchical modeling, social security level indicators, social security, sociological monitoring, trait aggregation, stimulants and stimulators


It is substantiated that the main conditions of social security and its determining components are the level and quality of life of the population at the same time. An urgent task is the hierarchical modeling of the social security system and measuring its level with the definition of an integrated indicator. The article is devoted to determining the level of social security of Ukraine on the basis of hierarchical modeling with determination of the integral index. Social security threats are created by the types of risks associated with the loss of life and health, work, especially long-term life, working capacity and livelihoods, economic and social insecurity, social exclusion, population poverty and social exclusion. For hierarchical decomposition, the main factors influencing social security changes were identified. The choice of indicators for each internal component was based on social security assessments. Seven components of social security were identified as subindices: material well-being; employment and social and labor relations; demographic component; public health and safety; the social protection; social exclusion and deviant behavior; social well-being in society. Aggregation was based on the theory of additive value, the method of rationing was chosen based on the criteria of the least loss of information, with the identification of stimulants and stimulators. For each internal social security subsystem, corresponding subindices were calculated, the weight of which was determined by standard economic and statistical methods of cluster and factor analysis. The integral indicator of the level of social security was defined as the arithmetic mean of subindices. The proposed algorithm provides an opportunity to evaluate the existing level of social security, the trends of its change, as well as to determine and quantify the impact of each internal component on the change of the general level. The most significant positive changes were observed in the subsystems social exclusion, deviant behavior; health and safety; material well-being. The internal structure of the sub-indices presented makes it possible not only to determine the impact of individual indicators on their dynamics, but also to determine the reserves for raising the overall level of social security, which is a key component in the system of state regulation of social security.


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