The purpose of the article is to determine the role of human capital development in the process of creating and ensuring sustainable development of united territorial communities, the article reveals the modern understanding of the term "human capital", contains a historical digression on decentralization reform, notes its initial tasks and goals legislative uncertainty of the deadline for completion of decentralization reform and the risks associated with the application of the administrative-planned way to complete the reform. The emphasis is on the new functions of the united territorial communities, which are not peculiar to local state administrations and local self-government - creating added value to provide financial opportunities. The article also analyzes the research of experts on decentralization in terms of the dependence of financial capacity of the united territorial communities of Kherson region with the availability and quality of human capital, considers the features of current legislation on local government, mechanisms for selecting employees in united territorial communities executive bodies, aspects of higher education. In educational institutions and in the internship procedure for students, especially in the provisions on the establishment of labor rules and distance work, specific mechanisms for raising capital and improving its quality are proposed, namely, changing the procedure for holding a competition to fill vacant positions in local governments taking into account the scope of authority, competence and the degree of responsibility, the introduction of a mandatory internship mechanism for students receiving specialties in the field of public administration and management in the field of local government, legal, economic and others. On the basis of the executive bodies of the united territorial communities, proposed recommendations to local governments on the wider use of the Labor Code of Ukraine in establishing internal labor regulations, provided an assessment of the need to adapt to the requirements of remote work procedures and additions legislation on this issue.
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