Keywords: motivation, managerial approach, creative development, creative work, monitoring, tools


The article is devoted to substantiating the need for constantly updated encouragement of staff and the transformation of managerial approaches to creative motivation. The dangerous consequences of R. Sprenger’s phenomenon “any motivation destroys motivation” for the creative development of the organization are determined. It is substantiated that when the motivation increases, the employee’s own stimulating energy and the potential of innovative activity remain undiscovered. This causes such negative consequences as frustration, aggressive boredom, constantly growing claims and the transition of energy into a conflict of seeking new portions of material incentives. It is proved that monetary motivation is also not an effective tool to stimulate creative staff development. The results of complex monitoring of planned changes in the practice of remuneration of domestic enterprises (salaries, bonuses and benefits programs) in the field of personnel development management are analyzed. The main factors influencing the decision-making of motivational decisions are determined. It is noted that almost half of domestic managers consider the achievement of high personal results by employees to be an important factor in increasing wages. Mechanical systems of motivation, which directly depend on the quantitative results of work, often target employees to achieve short-term success, ignoring the long-term prospects for development. The effect of displacement by infernal motivation of infernal motivation is substantiated: interest in reward displaces interest in creative work as such. It is determined that material incentives can attract new sufficiently qualified employees to the enterprise, but it is unable to motivate most of them to a long-term desire for self-improvement, development and achievement of creative results. The role of neurotransmitters is described. Each of the neurotransmitters is responsible for certain aspects of human motivation, and is a biologically active chemical through which nerve cells exchange electrical impulses. The psychological danger for the leader is the use of established intangible methods of stimulating creativity. The latest managerial approaches to the creative motivation of employees should, therefore, reconcile the nonlinear combination of different areas of tangible and intangible incentives, which even seem contradictory to each other.


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