The article is devoted to the development of recommendations for improving the budget financing of social expenditures in Ukraine based on the results of the analysis of statistical data for the last six years. Today, about half of Ukraine's population works in the real sector of the economy, while a significant part of citizens do not participate in the creation of a social product. There is an urgent need to ensure an acceptable standard of living and prevent the growth of poverty by laying the foundations for the formation of an effective model of financial security in the social sphere. Social policy is not separate; it is more or less integrated into the economy of Ukraine. Given the interests of other policies, it is closely interlinked with them, as the planning of certain social activities requires a clear definition of funding sources. The dynamics and structure of social budget expenditures, the structure of household incomes are analyzed. From the macroeconomic point of view, the importance of social infrastructure is determined by significant financial flows, financing mainly from budget funds and the presence of significant redistributive potential. From the standpoint of the micro level, the share of household income is formed by transfers from the budgets of different levels. The distribution of funding sources in the areas of social protection showed funding for programs such as social protection of pensioners (54% of total expenditures), families, children and youth, war and labor veterans, unemployed, temporarily disabled and other categories of the population, as well as other activities, basic and applied research in the field of social protection. An analysis of the distribution of costs for different types of education and medical services by funding organizations. The formulaic financing of higher education institutions introduced in 2020 is proposed to be supplemented by calculating the state order for specific specialties, taking into account the European experience of equalizing the demand for highly skilled labor. It is recommended to develop a model of health insurance.
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