The paper examines the current state and prospects for the development of the melon industry in the South of Ukraine, through the introduction of innovations - high-yielding varieties and hybrids, modern resource- and energy-saving technologies of their cultivation, specialization and concentration of production. The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of innovation in agro-industrial enterprises in the production of melon crops and to identify on this basis approaches to ensure their effective functioning and subsequent development in the current economic environment. It has been established that the transition of melon crops from large-scale production to the single production and small farms has led to an increase in the separation of the real producer from scientific acquisitions, the latest technologies, quality seeds, significantly limited the opportunities for innovative development of the industry. Innovations in the melon breeding industry are proposed to be conditionally divided into four types: biological (varieties, hybrids, lines), technical (new means of mechanization and technology.), Chemical (new fertilizers, growth stimulants, means of combating diseases, pests, weeds – insecticides, fungicides , pesticides, herbicides) and organizational and economic (new production, management and information approaches and solutions). In order to ensure the efficiency of melon production in a competitive environment, producers must invest in accordance with the actual scale of land use. Thanks to this, as well as the introduction of innovations in production, the supply for melon products will grow. In such circumstances, prices and incomes will tend to decline. It is proposed to increase the attention of modernization of production, storage, transportation and sale of melon products; specialization and concentration of production, creating an association of different forms of cooperation and aggregation of producers; Attracting investments, increasing the capitalization of production, including from the state, as the main regulator of the conditions for the formation of market relations of the industry; comprehensive introduction into the production of high-yielding varieties and hybrids, resource-energy-saving technologies of their cultivation.
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