• Olena Liubkina
  • Yana Borovska
Keywords: investment activity, investment market, finantial corporations, bank system, non-bank financial institutions


The article is devoted to the analysis of the different approaches to the determining of the investment definition and investment market structure. An investment is an asset intended to produce income or capital gains. The investment market can be divided into two types: the real investment market (costs for new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, purchase of machinery, equipment, tools, inventory, project search, etc.) and the financial investment market (costs for the purchase of valuable papers, investment loans, etc.). The institutional structure of the economic system includes non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households, non-profit organizations that serve them. It concentrates on the financial corporaytions as major participants on the investment market. The purpose of their activities is to facilitate the transfer of funds from creditors to borrowers, which is fundamentally different from other types of industrial activity. The article rewiews the characteristics of some types of institutional financial corporations and there performance indicator. Financial corporations include banks, credit unions, pawnshops, leasing companies, trusts, insurance companies, retirement savings institutions, investment fundsand other legal entities whose provide financial services. Non-bank finantial institution considered as institutions of investment market other than banks, which include those that own investment activity at the expense of own and borrowed funds (undertaken for commercial and / or social impact) and those that perform a supporting role in the investment process (only seek to achieve the commercial effect). The dynamics of the investment activity structure of bunking facilities and non-bank financial institutions was analyzed in terms of nancial and real investments during the years 2016-2019. Conclusions were made on the materiality of changes and directions that occurred during this period, and positive and unfavorable changes in the formation of investments were described. It concentrates also on development problems of the Investment market in Ukraine.


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