The article substantiates the expediency of managing the staffing of higher education institutions in the conditions of unfavourable external environment. It is noted that in the conditions of market economy development the role of the lecturer of higher education institution, as an indispensable source of providing quality educational service for the formation of a qualified specialist, is increasing. The purpose of the publication is to develop a scientific and methodological support for forecasting the need for higher education institutions, taking into account regional features of the educational services market. The methodological basis for the study was correlation-regression analysis, Statistica program and economic modelling methods. A sequence of analysis of the availability of higher education institutions by scientific and pedagogical staff in Ukraine is proposed, which envisages the step-by-step implementation of three interrelated stages. A factor model has been developed to determine the factors that have the greatest impact on the number of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions. The influence of such factors as the total number of students, the number of students-graduates, the average salary of the employees of higher education institutions in the region and the number of graduates of general educational institutions are calculated. It is established that the number of students graduates is a key factor influencing the number of scientific and teaching staff. The method of forecasting the required number of scientific and pedagogical staff in higher education institutions in the regions of Ukraine is proposed. It is determined that for the period from 2018 to 2028 the stable situation is forecasted and the existence of positive tendencies in the number of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions of Ukraine, which can serve as a basis for development of strategies in the field of management of employees of higher education institutions, is made. regulatory values, approved by the License Terms for the provision of higher education services. It is established that the normative number of scientific and teaching staff is lower than projected.
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