The article substantiates the importance of assessment the competencies of top managers to ensure the effective functioning of the company. Based on the analysis of common approaches to competency modeling, it is shown that the competencies of top executives of the company are provided with a model of «20 edges», which consists of the competencies important for the activity of the manager. At the same time, the expediency of refining the structure and elemental composition of the «20 edges» model in the context of studying the competencies of the top-level hierarchy managers is grounded. Namely, it is proposed to take into account the need to evaluate the competencies that characterize the managers' level of skills in the specialty and profile of activity. Also it is reasonable to differentiate the requirements for professional competencies of functional and linear top managers. Finally, the expediency of taking into account the personal system of incentives and motivators of the top manager for effective activity is grounded. In order to evaluate competences by profession and activity profile, a group of «Professional competences» was added to the «20 edges» model. This group include the following competences: relevance of professional education and experience in the post; ability to use professional knowledge in the field of company activity; ability to convey their own explicit and implicit knowledge (professional mentoring); attitude to professional development and its effectiveness. In order to differentiate the requirements for the professional competencies of functional and linear top managers, various intermediate gradations are proposed to determine the level of development of professional competencies of top managers of the company. In order to take into account the personal system of incentives and motivators of the top manager for effective activity it is suggested to enter in the category «Internal competence» such competence as «Orientation to incentives and motivators». The high level of development of this competence will be recognized as the main incentive for the hired top-manager to grow personal «status capitalization», provided that it is consistent with the goals and values of the company. The result of the author's research is the development of an approach to the formation of a model of competencies of top executives of the company, which involves the calcula-tion of an aggregate indicator of the level of development of competencies of top managers.
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