Keywords: marketing communications, educational services marketing, Social Media Marketing, institution of higher education, target audience, market of educational services


Modern economy needs to strengthen marketing activity of its participants. In particular actions for promoting of educational institutions and specialtyes are topicality. The article analyzes the effectiveness of using various tools of communication mix in the field of educational services by means of a survey of first-year students of the Odessa National Economic University. Attention is concentrated on necessity of combined with traditional career guidance methods for enrollees with activity on the Internet and especially on social networks. It has been announced that the tools for Internet marketing are right in the middle of the role in communication with the entrants. The concept of formation of the marketing communication system of higher education institutions on the Internet in the form of a chain of three interrelated areas of activity was developed: advertising on social networks, detailed information on specialties and educational programs on the official site of institution of higher education and publications on social networks and Telegram-channel of university. It is proved that today university account on social networks should act as a universal call center, which can advise entrants of all ages and other categories and their parents on any issues related to both entry and future education and specialty of specialties in 24x7 mode. The activity of the internet-audience was analyzed in the Instagram social network community. For this purpose, we analyzed the topics of the questions from the entrants in the official Instagram account of the Odessa National Economic University during the 2019 introductory campaign and identified the main meaningful blocks of such questions and the share of each in the total. The importance of using of Telegram channels of universityes as a modern tool of direct communication with entrants is substantiated, and statistical indicators of publication placement in the Entrant-ONEU Telegram channel during the 2019 introductory campaign are analyzed. The principles of building a marketing communications system of higher education institutions on the Internet have been suggested: complexity, systematic, usefulness of information, high quality of graphics and printing products, attentiveness and care.


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