• Larysa Varava
  • Olesia Buchenkova
Keywords: export competitiveness, enterprise competitiveness, metallurgical enterprises, relative quality index


The article identifies various theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of "enterprise competitiveness" and "export products competitiveness". On the basis of the conducted research, the definition of the concept of export products competitiveness is proposed. It is proved that the competitiveness of export products means the ability of an enterprise to take into account foreign economic aspects of influence on the price of production, political instability in the country of the manufacturer and at the same time ensuring stable competitive advantages of goods by means of acceptable economic and technological indicators and convenience in delivery of the goods to the final consumer. The properties that are inherent in the categories "enterprise competitiveness" and "export products competitiveness" are substantiated. The structural components of the competitiveness of metallurgical products are identified, which shape the competitive opportunities and advantages of the enterprise and are interrelated with each other. The relative quality has been calculated for the main technical parameter on the target market for metal products. Foreign economic aspects of the impact should be attributed to the duty rates of the importing countries, as well as the possibility of using trade preferences. For this purpose it is necessary to establish whether the goods comply with the rules of origin, that is, whether the goods are considered to be made in Ukraine, to prepare documents confirming its origin and to observe the rules of direct transportation of the goods. It is necessary to take into account the technical factors that affect the competitiveness of metallurgical products: in particular, the parameter of the yield strength of rebar, which is the most important among the competitive parameters of export-oriented products. It was investigated that the strongest competitor is the Australian company ONE STEEL, where the relative quality index was 1.04, which is significantly higher than that of PJSC ArcelorMittal. The proposal to increase the competitiveness of the rebar is to take into account other technical indicators of the reinforcing steel of PJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih”, which are competitive. This will be the subject of our further research.


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