Keywords: environmental policy, green office, corporate social responsibility, team, development, implementation, enterprise


The article іs defines features of formation and implementation of environmental policy at the enterprise. The main problems of environmental management are investigated and the benefits from the implementation of environmental policy at the enterprise are determined. The sequence of stages of development of the ecological program and the policy on improvement of activity of the enterprise is offered. It has been proved that the implementation of ecopolitics contributes to economic growth and development of the country as a whole. An analysis of the formation and development of environmental management was carried out, based on the observance of environmental security requirements, the implementation of effective and comprehensive measures for the rational use of natural resources. The portfolio of environmental management in the enterprise has been formed. A program of measures to improve environmental management at the enterprise has been developed. The implementation of environmental liability policy is due to a number of reasons: the use of clean production technologies leads to more efficient use of resources; in many countries of the world the state policy of application of economic levers (taxes, fees, trade permits) is favorable for environmentally friendly companies; international and national environmental standards have higher requirements; environmental management has a positive impact on the company's image; more and more consumers are opting for and demanding eco-friendly products. One of the methods of improving the effectiveness of environmental management is the implementation of environmental management systems in enterprises. Their implementation will allow the company to reduce environmental pollution, reduce the likelihood of emergencies, reduce unproductive costs, strengthen the company's position in the market and more effectively market the products produced. In Ukraine, the implementation of environmental policy at the company is very slow. The article provides substantiated evidence of the effectiveness of implementation of environmental management systems for enterprises and the state and provides recommendations for their development.


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