The goal of the article is to implement an integral assessment of innovation and technological development of the economy to form conclusions for improving the State policy to ensure technological modernization of the national economy of Ukraine. In the article proposed and tested the author's method of calculating the integral index of innovation and technological development of the economy, which provides for the formation of indicators of innovation and technological activities by regions of the country in three groups (resource availability of innovation and technological activity, innovation and technological activity, efficiency of innovation and technological activities), their rationing, determining the scales of indicators in groups, the calculation weighted indices of indicators, determination of scales for each group of indexes, calculation of integral indexes by groups, building of Integral index. The conceptual content of the concept of technological modernization in the system of economic reindustrialization has been formed. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: grouping - to identify the theoretical and methodological provisions of the formation of methods of analysis, methodological approaches, indicators - indicators, peculiarities of forming conclusions, the resulting characteristics as elements of the methodology of the study of the processes of economic re-industrialization on the basis of its technological modernization. The integral indexes of resource-providing of innovation-technological activity, innovation-technological activity and efficiency of innovation-technological activity by regions of Ukraine are calculated on the basis of data for 2009-2018. The calculated values of the integral index of innovation and technological development by regions of the country and in general. The strategic priorities of the State policy to ensure innovation and technological development of Ukraine's economy are substantiated. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the formation of the structure of state policy of technological modernization and re-industrialization of the economy.
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