Keywords: economic national security, economic development strategy, regional cooperation, economic order


The article provides a comparative analysis of the structure and content of strategic documents governing the national security of developed countries. It has been identified that national security strategies focus on military, political and defense components. Given the urgent need to address food security, achieving sustainable economic growth and sustainable development is increasingly being addressed by economic security. This leads to an increase in the development of strategic and programmatic documents in developed countries. Contradictory trends of changing time periods for the adoption of national security strategies have been identified. This is a manifestation of the growing timing of approved strategies (long-term). However, with the growing uncertainty of the global economic environment, there is a permanent review of strategic documents and their updating. The differentiation of economic development strategies through the specifics of the national economy and the security environment has been proved. Over time, strategies have become increasingly homogeneous due to the increased impact of global determinants of economic security common to all countries. The processes of informatization and digitization are increasingly affecting the economic development and security of countries, which is taken into account when developing national strategies. Most developed countries are implementing cyber security or digital security strategies. Due to the influence of stronger leaders, the degree of uniformity of strategies and programs is increasing. The threats to economic security in the form of unfair competition, economic espionage, food security, information security of national companies, investment danger, transnational terrorism, trade imbalances have been identified. It is determined that the geopolitical and geo-economic position of the countries influences the content of national security strategies in terms of its economic component. Developed countries that play a systemic role in the world economy link the prospects of implementing security strategies with the need to build a new international economic order in which they seek to participate actively.


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