• Maryna Vinyukova
Keywords: agricultural market, export, food and agricultural organization, wheat, barley, corn, area, gross yield


The article discusses the urgent problem of studying the relationship of export of agricultural products of Ukraine, the EU and the countries of the world on the example of grain, as well as determining the effectiveness of Ukraine's export of grain to the European and world markets in the conditions of creating a free trade zone with the EU. It is proved that Ukraine occupies a significant place in the world grain market: the share in wheat export averages 5.7%; in barley export – 14.8%; in world corn exports – 9.1%; at the same time, the share of Ukraine in the export of wheat to the EU is 33.7%, in the export of barley – 48.9%, in the export of corn – 64.4%. It was revealed that, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the sown area of wheat, barley, corn in the World, the EU, and Ukraine for the period 2010–2019 pp. An important place in the export of products to the agricultural sector of Ukraine belongs to grain crops, whose share in the Ukrainian agricultural export is constantly growing. It is analyzed that over the past few years, Ukraine has significantly strengthened its position in the global market. In terms of wheat exports, it is one of the main exporters of this product: Ukraine's share in world wheat exports over the past ten years has grown and amounted to 3.75% in 2019. It has been established that the efficiency of Ukrainian grain exports compared with the EU on average for wheat is 35%, barley – 48%, corn – 65%, that is, the EU market is the most promising for the Ukrainian grain market, but its activation and growth prospects require Ukraine introduction of certain measures and mechanisms. Ukraine is one of the main suppliers of grain, in particular wheat, barley and corn to the European market. It should be noted that weather conditions have a great influence on the volumes of production and further export of cereals; annually, Ukraine’s share in the European grain market fluctuates slightly. However, it should be noted that on average Ukraine's share in wheat exports is 34%, in barley exports – 64%, in corn exports – 49%. Research results show that all types of cereals belong to the group of competitive products. Significant fluctuations in the volume of exports of Ukrainian grain in different years are observed. This factor cannot be called positive. This indicates that Ukraine does not have a predominantly pricing nature and largely depends on the situation in foreign markets.


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