• Alexandr Khimic
Keywords: threat, danger, security, economic security, threat identification, managing security management


The article describes the theoretical aspects of economic security management, in particular identifying an important place in the process of identifying threats to economic security. The urgency of the chosen topic is justified by the fact that the current economic conditions of priority of any business entity is the formation of appropriate tools to ensure its economic security, and the creation of a flexible system of response to external and internal threats to business development. The definitions of "threat to economic security" are analyzed. The classification of threats to economic security is made and it is determined that they can be classified on the basis of the following characteristics: by the possibility of forecasting, by the source of occurrence, by the possibility of prevention, by the nature of occurrence, by the magnitude of damage, by the consequences and the degree of probability of occurrence, by scale occurrence. It is substantiated that the formation of the system of economic security of enterprises requires the creation of organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of partnerships with market actors and public authorities. It is proved that among the huge variety of threats to economic security, it is advisable to divide threats into external and internal ones as the main criterion. It has been determined that the identification of possible threats to the economic security of enterprises should be made in the process of interaction with suppliers, consumers, competitors and public authorities, since each entity of interaction may carry a corresponding threat, which affects the results of economic activities of economic entities and their subsequent development. It is proved that the formation of partnerships in ensuring the economic security of enterprises with suppliers can be carried out not through the traditional management of material resources, but by managing the relations of enterprises with strategic suppliers in order to stimulate their adjustment to the strategic and tactical needs of financial and economic activities. Therefore, the issues of identifying threats to the economic security of enterprises are currently important for the further development of the real sector of the Ukrainian economy.


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