The article is devoted to the study of the current state of the trade industry in Ukraine and its regions, the rating and the selecting CRM systems for trade enterprise management. Under market conditions, effective trading is impossible without timely, reliable and complete information. This is leading to use information systems and technologies because they can increase the efficiency of enterprises and processes management. However, CRM systems and technologies are practically not used in Ukraine’s trade industry because only 6% of enterprises actively used systems for customer relationship management. That’s why the current state analysis of the trade industry in Ukraine and its regions, the rating and the selecting CRM systems for the trade enterprises management are relevant and has a great practical importance. The dynamics of industrial structure of the Ukrainian economy for 2010-2017 has been analyzed. It is shown that the trade industry was a leading branch of the national economy during this period. It is determined in which Ukraine’s regions the trade is the specialized industry. Also, a comparison between trade and traditional industries of Ukraine, such as industry and agriculture, was made. The status of Ukraine as an industrial-agrarian state has been confirmed. The ratings of CRM systems compiled by different authors are different from each other. Therefore, it is suggested to use an expert method and various sources of information to determine the degree of consistency of expert opinions on this issue. In this study, only those CRM systems that are recognized as major players in Ukraine are used. Thus, a comparative analysis of four CRM systems, such as Terrasoft Creatio, Bitrix24, AmoCRM and Megaplan, was carried out. Kendall concordance coefficient has been calculated. Its value indicates a strong consistency of expert opinions. Then, Pearson's chi-squared test is used to assess the relationship between considered signs. Pearson criterion value indicates the importance of the coefficient of concordance and the strong correlation between the signs. Provided analysis in the article allowed us to determine the most optimal CRM-system for Ukraine’s trade enterprises management.
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