The article examines the essence of bank liquidity. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of approaches to the definition of concepts, the definition of the concept of "bank liquidity" and "liquidity balance" is proposed. The following interpretation of the concept is proposed: "bank liquidity is a complex financial indicator of ease of realization, transformation of value form of assets into cash, a kind of guarantee of possibility of fast sale, balanced ratio of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet of the bank, degree of correlation of terms of placed assets and attracted financial assets It is concluded that sufficient liquidity plays no less important role than capital adequacy. The main functions of liquidity (transformation, stabilization, competitive status and risk mitigation function) have been systematized and the list of organizational, managerial and strategic functions has been supplemented. Factor analysis, taking into account the inherent banking system risk as a whole and liquidity risk in particular, made it possible to systematize the set of factors that determine the provision of banking liquidity at different levels more accurately (global (world), state (country), regional and micro level), as well as to give reasons to distinguish it as an independent level – regional level. Methods of liquidity management were grouped. Among the methods of liquidity management are the methods of asset management; liability management methods and balanced liquidity management (assets and liabilities), as it is the most appropriate and most commonly used by banking institutions. Analysis of economic standards of liquidity of the banking system of Ukraine for 2013-2019 was carried out. It is concluded that in the conditions of the existing financial instability in Ukraine there is a need for a fundamentally new approach of banks to liquidity management, which is based on the generalization of as many factors as possible. In order to overcome the crisis in the banking sector, it is necessary to apply innovative approaches to banking liquidity management in practice, which will increase its stability against external and internal threats.
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