Neuromarketing gives the opportunity to obtain an effective analytical tool for value creation and optimization of marketing strategies. The result of neuromarketing research is a representative evaluation of possible alternatives to consumer preferences through indicators of choice and decision making regarding purchasing. The place of neuromarketing in the market research complex, which is the main source of information for the development of plans and management decisions, is substantiated. It has been established that neuromarketing techniques and techniques should complement the standard set of marketing research tools and solve the problem of obtaining an objective assessment of the neurophysiological manifestations of consumer reactions. The results of neuromarketing research can also be used in the development of consumer behavior models and reducing the cost of marketing studies. It has been found that online neuromarketing, which does not require sophisticated equipment and provides the ability to receive information online and reach large audiences, is the best option. It has been proven that the use of neuromarketing techniques in marketing research is relevant and requires active action by researchers. Also urgent is the acceleration of the process of formation of neuroethics in society and the transformation of the views of marketers on the use of the results of research of the human psyche in the marketing complex. The article deals with theoretical and practical principles of forming an important component of a complex of marketing research, which is based on the methodology and tools of neuromarketing. The main aspects of the introduction of neuroscannel technologies are analyzed and conclusions are made about the expediency of using the technique of neuromarketing and neurophysiological researches to determine the peculiarities of consumers' reaction to marketing incentives. The necessity of complementing the classical methods of research with the methods of neuroimaging is substantiated. Neuromarketing research needs serious attention from the standpoint of developing a code of ethics for neuromarketing research. There are serious problems with the confidentiality and morality of such research.
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