Keywords: competitiveness, strategy, innovative development, mechanical engineering enterprises, competitive strategy


Innovative development is an integral and active part of all spheres of society and, in particular, of the enterprise as its primary link. It is difficult to overestimate the value of innovative development for machine-building enterprises of Ukraine. It can be possible to provide only through the competitive of products both on domestic and world market. Effective use of innovation is a decisive factor in socio-economic development and in The effective use of the innovation becomes a decisive factor of socio-economic development and economic, environmental, social and other problems. Sequential activation of innovation activity of machine-building enterprises in all areas of operation allows to obtain new processes, products or forms of organization and production management that ensures the achievement and strengthening the competitive position in the market and influence on the market situation through the implementation of the innovation. The functioning of enterprises in the long term is associated with the formation of a competitive strategy focused on strengthening the innovation activity. Formation of the competitive strategy is the process of making a managerial decision regarding the content of the functional strategies of this kind and priority of funding with the aim of ensuring competitive advantages in the market. Despite the current challenges of the competitive environment and globalization to ensure the development of domestic enterprises becomes relevant to establish innovate. Only to achieve the world level of innovative activity will become for the engineering enterprise the base of its competitiveness and continued existence. Thus, the development of the program of innovative development and, as a consequence, appropriate strategies are the basis of formation of competitive advantages and sustainable financial condition of domestic enterprises. The importance of innovation for the economy as a whole and each of the engineering enterprise in particular is undeniable. This is evidenced by the new dynamics of innovative development of world economy, which is observed at the present stage, despite the disparity in various countries and regions.


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