The essence and significance of tasting events as an element of integration marketing communications are revealed. The approaches, statements and opinions of modern scientists are analyzed. The mechanism, components, algorithm of construction and the procedure of carrying out a complex of tasting events are investigated. The basic problems of management of marketing communication policy of business structures have been formed. The basics of the application of integrated marketing communications are defined. The problems of the correctness of the tasting events as the main element of marketing management on the way of the enterprise to conquering the market niche are considered. Management of marketing is represented by the main element of influence on the consumer decision, the formation of demand and sales promotion of their products by modern enterprises. The introduction of integrated marketing communications into the marketing management of enterprises provides opportunities to study how proper, expedient, expensive, and fast is the use of marketing tools. One such marketing tool is the implementation of presentation measures regarding the products. Effective management of marketing communications requires consideration of such functions as: developing a marketing strategy, adhering to the logical relationship between goals and business planning, taking into account previous experience, number of clients, message functions. It is necessary to create a slogan, theme, idea and a unique business proposal. All this will attract an additional consumer or business partner. Tasting a product can be seen as a mechanism for investing in innovation and image of the company (knowledge of its business, product, brand). The purpose of this mechanism is to create a brand image and gain popularity, which over time will provide a more reliable guarantee of interaction with suppliers, resellers and consumers. Integrated marketing communications include the development and use of a variety of communication measures (active use of ATL / IBTL technologies) to introduce and market various TM food manufacturers based on brand-oriented technologies. Tasting gives people the opportunity to taste and buy products for free. The best, effective and efficient measure to familiarize the consumer with the taste and quality of the products, appearance, quality is tasting events among all integrated marketing communications.
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