Keywords: personnel, staff, human resources, training, hotel management, hotel, efficiency


The article is devoted to the problem of improving the quality of service at the enterprises of hotel management by training personnel. The purpose of the article is to study the system of training to improve the efficiency of the staff of hotel facilities. It is grounded that in the sphere of service the human factor becomes the main factor of production and services, and the costs of personnel training and development are borne by the enterprises for the formation of their own human capital, in the future will contribute to the effective work of both employees and the enterprise as a whole. In the field of tourism, the quality of services is primarily determined by the qualification of performers and their ability to work with clients. Therefore, the professional development and training of staff acquires special importance and becomes an integral condition for the successful functioning of any organization. The methods and means of personnel training are studied, the peculiarities of their application in the hotel business are determined. In order to understand the peculiarities of different methods of training, the main focus and content of each of the methods of training used in the practice of management development have been studied. The system of trainings for the personnel of hotel enterprises is defined. It is established that the methods of training at the workplace are the best for the development of skills required to perform current production tasks at the enterprises of hotel industry, but at the same time, such training is often too special for the development of the potential of the employee, the formation of fundamentally new behavioral and professional powers, the development of corporate culture, because it does not give the opportunity to abstract from a specific typical situation and go beyond the traditional behavior. With this in mind, the advantages and disadvantages of workplace learning methods have been identified. The peculiarities of traditional and innovative personnel training are considered. Necessity of systematic training of the personnel of the hotel enterprises as a basis of increase of efficiency of their activity at the expense of improvement of quality of hotel service is proved.


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